Welcome to Zhang Lab! 

Research focus:
Our lab is dedicated to unraveling the intricate molecular mechanisms that underpin T cell functions in diverse physiological and pathological contexts, including inflammation, infection, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. Utilizing state-of-the-art technologies and advanced plateform, our goal is to illuminate new pathways and identify groundbreaking targets for immunotherapy. By doing so, we aim to pave the way for novel and effective treatments in immunological disorders, ultimately contributing to a deeper understanding and improved therapies.

Special interest: 
T cell function and Immune homeostasis; TGF-beta signaling in T cell function; Th17

Key Questions: 
How to convert pathogenic T cells into non-pathogenic T cells?
How to selectively target pathogenic T cells without comprising homeostatic T cells?
How to develop a dietary treatment for autoimmune disease?
How can AI be employed to uncover genes that are critical for autoimmune disease and cancer?

Resources and Tools (Welcome Collaborators):

AID-GT:Autoimmune diseases-Generative Transformer
(An AI model for poteintial pathogenic gene prediction)

PotenTreg: AI tool for virtual drug screening of Treg 

PotenTh17: AI tool for virtual drug screening of Th17

TRIgdb:Database of  T cell receptors (TR) and immunoglobulins (IG) across species 

Genome-wide CRISPR screening 

Protein Posttranslational modification Omics 

High-throughput Drug Screening for T cell function

Spatial and Temporal Omics

If you are interested in becoming a postdoc, a joint Ph.D. student, or a research assistant, please the recruitment page for position availability. Or talk to the PI Prof. Song Zhang.